Well I've missed a couple of days again and I really didn't want to but....
Our car (a venerable 1999 Hundyai) Has to be smog tested this year and for the first time since we bought it (new) it didn't pass. I have been going back and forth to the "certified repair facility" for several days trying to make right whatever is wrong. First was a major overhaul (no question that we needed this) trying to get the check engine light to stay off. That went well and the car certainly ran a lot better, but unfortunately the light came back on while we were sitting at a long light that night. Next day they found a vapor tank that was falling apart and replaced it. The light came back on while the car was idling in our driveway waiting for me to open the garage door. I'll take it back this morning, but we are just about at our funding limit, so we may have to register it as inoperative for another month while we get more cash together. The car is not essential to me, but my wife can't really get back and forth to her work without it. I'll let you know how this plays out.
Yesterday was my 71st birthday and this also impacted on my blogging time. Hopefully I can get back to daily updates when all of this is behind us.
Atomic Mall has now added sub sub categories to the Mall wide search engine. I will have a lot more to say about this later. While this may be helpful to some types of dealers, it will simply confuse an already confusing issue for me. The best way to search my store or the mall is to go there and enter a search term in the search window. It would have been much better to have added the ability to subdivide categories to the stores (which I was expecting) rather than to the entire mall. Oh well Atomic Mall is still the best site around by leaps and bound, so I'm there for the duration.
Thanks for listening....☺☺☺☺
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