Today was a mixed bag on the pottery front. I went to the swap meet and made a single buy. To say that it was quiet would be a gross understatement. The other side of that coin is that I did make a small but welcome sale.
Salem Biscayne Salt & Pepper Shakers
First the sale, a few months ago I bought a small mixed lot of Salem Biscayne and I think this is the first sale from it. Description -- Ovenproof, white body, blue tops. Blue/Beige leaves, pink flowers. Salt 1 3/4" diameter x 3 1/4" tall. Pepper 1 1/2" diameter x 2 7/8" tall. Excellent used condition with light use wear and one missing stopper. Issued from the late 1950's through the early 1960's. Current (09/09) replacement value $19.99.
Historical Data -- Salem was founded in 1899 in Salem, Ohio. It was purchased in 1918 by the Sebring family. Salem ceased manufacturing in 1967. Manufacturing was outsourced overseas for several years.
More Salem Biscayne at Quality Junk in the Atomic Mall Set of Eight Bone Dishes
Ordinarily I will not buy dinnerware without manufacturers marks, unless I recognize the pattern. My philosophy is that if I can't identify a piece than I probably won't find an interested buyer. Having said all that I did buy a set of eight bone dishes today that I have no real firm idea who or even where they were made. There are a couple of reasons why I made this exception to my own rules. First I have a weakness for bone dishes and second, I really owed the seller a favor for selling me the Minton Rose I mentioned last week. They are all in great condition except for heavy trim wear and have beautiful vermillion (I think) roses and green and gray leaves on them.
Bone Dishes at Quality Junk in the Atomic Mall Enough for now. Thanks for listening...
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