Why do I feel so bad
Or maybe even sad.
When others do not do
The things I want them to.
I need to reconsider
Why I do feel so bitter.
I know I don't control
How others walk or stroll.
My life alone I need to heed
Let others march to their own creed.
So hard to need another
To help you like a mother.
We were all made to want
Someone to lean on even haunt.
So hard to love without demands
Not to touch with heated hands.
To retreat back into self
And fence back out the masses.
A danger there I do not want
It makes my blood molasses.
I guess there is no answer here
Life's always frought with fear.
The pain I feel may not be nice
But feeling not would hurt me twice.
The Old Guy
14 Mar 2001
Thanks for listening.... ☺☺☺☺
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