thanks for listening Bill aka the old guy
Updated for content (06/09)
This blog is a means of allowing my friends and customers to get information from me on the latest news about my Atomic Mall Store (Quality Junk) and my Etsy Store lovevintagehouseware, and for them to give me feedback that may help me to improve my service to them. I intend it to be a forum for both professional and personal exchanges of information. I'm looking forward to this challenge and I will be updating frequently and hope that you will visit often.
I have been exceptionally fortunate in my search for more "Quality Junk" inthe past couple of weeks. These are some of the better pieces that I have either listed or am about to list on my Auctions:
A nice selection of Royal Doulton "Thistledown", including the hard to find coffee pot.
Several great pieces of John Maddox & Sons vintage "Montana", including several large platters in great condition.
A variety of Metlox "Woodland Gold" , includes a half dozen serving pieces.
Some Franciscan "Sea Sculpture" & "Blue Sky"
Homer Laughlin "Rochelle"
Much more great vintage dinnerware
Please check my auctions daily for more new items.
thanks for listening... the old guy
Just a quick note to let you know what's happening in the world of "Quality Junk". I have come to realize that I have to list more than the 2000 items that were my original goal this year. Until more people realize that Atomic Mall exists and that there are a lot of good deals here, about the only way to make enough sales here to justify the enormous amount of hours I put into my auctions, is to list more items that may attract more buyers.
Although I still have a huge amount of merchandise on hand that is not listed, a lot of it is just to inexpensive to sell on the net, so I am going to try and move it in bulk at a garage sale or to the swap meet dealers I know. I have found a really good source of pottery at decent prices and I am buying whenever I can and listing these pieces in my store. Of course I still have a lot of good bears and paper collectibles and will continue to list them as time allows.
I have faith in Atomic Mall and I believe we have a great future ahead, not as a substitute for eBay but as an alternative venue to sell items that are just not economically feasible to sell on eBay. I could probably do well on eBay with many of my higher end collectibles, but I just don't have the time right now to work on more than one site.
thanks for listening... the old guy
thanks for listening, the old guy
For the first time in what seems like weeks My auctions and my e-mail box are both silent and I thought I would take advantage of this time to say a few words about where I,m at in the wonderful world of Yahoo auctions.
In a few days I will have been participating in Yahoo auctions for 2 years. For the first year I was preoccupied with closing down my brick and mortar store and trying to stabilize my finances which the store adventure had nearly destroyed. I was able to get a few listings on and was at least learning how things worked.
The big turning point for me was in April of 2005 when Yahoo did away with all of their fees and became a totally free site. This was crucial to me because most of my merchandise shares two distinct characteristics that make it important that I have as low an overhead as possible. First, it is almost all very inexpensive which means that even small fees take a big cut out of profits. Secondly, more than 50% of my auction listings are replacement china. This is a line where a dealer must assume that he is going to have to wait 6 months or longer to find a buyer who needs the particular pattern that you are selling. Put these two factors together and you have a situation where you are selling an item for under Ten dollars that you have to pay around 35 cents every 7 days (on e-bay) for six months before it sells. That equates to $9.00 in listing fees paid to sell a $10.00 item. Then when you add in the final value and Paypal fees you have probably worked 6 months to lose a buck or two and this doesn't even take the cost of your merchandise into consideration. It's a no brainer. You are paying the auction site to let you lose money.
When Yahoo took away their fees (which I have to admit were much cheaper than the E bay group), I was able to start listing all of the rest of my merchandise and eventually sell it at a fair profit. I am now running about 1000 auctions with my only expense being my time (I'm retired) and Paypal fees. In the past year I have sold more than 1000 auctions with many of them for multiple units. A side benefit is that I have made dozens of new friends among my repeat customers. I admit my methods are a little unorthodox. I am of the rare breed (at least on the auction circuit) who believes in the old adage "The customer is always right!!".
It seems to be working well for me and I am looking forward to this next year with anticipation of many more good deals and a lot of new friends to add to my growing list.
thanks for listening.... the old guy
What I am trying to do here is minimize the cost to you for your purchase. As in off-line (brick & mortar) stores, look at the total cost and buy where you get the best value and service.
are you concerned about the past
be glad it's done and gone at last
or does the future make you blue
why? no one can have a clue
unless you wish for constant strife
let past nor future rule your life
look around!! What can you do
This is the only day for you
If you owe some long gone debt
don't waste your time, don't sit and fret
do what you can don't try for more
take your best shot then close the door
release your past and future hell
use your time to live life well
act here and now and please don't miss
for the only day you have is thisthe old guy
11 mar 2005
Now that summer is approaching I have started taking most of my photos outside in natural light and this is giving me a much better picture quality for you. (This was another one of my New Years Resolutions).
Well I think that's enough rambling for now, wish me luck with the taxes.
thanks for listening... the old guy
Updated for content 06/09.
in my front yard there sits an object so forlorn
it very often wonders why that it was ever born
every day it stands & waits its door is always open
and deep inside its metal hide its heart is always hopin'
it knows that somewhere out in space a missive is enroute
someday soon it will arrive and slide right down its chute
but alas it seems as if that day will never come
But if it does there is no doubt that it will really hum
every day i speak to it and bid it not to cry
i tell it that our friend will write and that is not a lie
now the man has stopped in front he's looking in his bag
he looks at us and shakes his head our spirits they do sag
where are the words That we have waited long for
the news that she's still happy & that her spirits soar
when they do come the little mailbox sitting all alone
will sing and dance and leap about never more to moan.
More from the old guy
thanks for listening .........
I wrote and dedicated this poem to a group of ladies who were living together in a substance abuse rehabilitation center trying desperately to find a new way of life. I gave it to them with the tea and hope that it made at least one day a little brighter.
the old guy 7 May 2005
thanks for listening...