Back to business. I am one of several volunteer moderators on the Yahoo auction sellers group. This group is focused on getting Yahoo to hear our complaints and hopefully take action on them. Half of the listings that sellers post to the group are dedicated to hashing and rehashing the negative experiences that they have had on Yahoo. I have had most of the bad experiences that they have had and I share their frustrations, but I am a believer in dealing with things and moving on. Unless I have something constructive to say or I have a new problem which I haven't seen before, I prefer not to waste my time on these negative issues. "If it ain't broke don't fix it and if you can't fix it move on".
One of the major problems that sellers have on all auction sites is folks that bid on auctions and than never pay or for that matter never even talk to you. These folks waste every one's time and cut into the cash flow by forcing the seller to keep merchandise sitting on the shelves where no one can buy it until he is certain that the sale is lost. The downside of these NPB's (non-paying bidders) is that there really isn't much that anyone can do about them. The upside is, as long as you don't send the merchandise until it's paid for, you don't lose anything but time. They are a pain in the rear but really shouldn't affect business unless you chose to continue to waste time bitching about them.
I really am rambling here, but I am on a crusade to get as many sellers as I can to deal with these folks quickly and then move on. Once they realize that people aren't paying any attention to them they will go away or move on to find an easier target to upset and aggravate.
I know this blog is read by more buyers than sellers, but if you know the amount of frustration that these NPB's cause you will realize why sometimes a seller may seem a little overly cautious in dealing with you even though you are as honest as they come.
Enough for now. thanks for listening..... Bill aka the old guy
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