First. many people do buy pieces as replacements for broken or missing items from a pattern that they actually use at their dinner tables. Others may have purchased or been given starter sets and are trying to expand them as their families grow or they start entertaining at home. In other words they are going to use them!
The second group of buyers are of course collectors. Some of these folks collect specific patterns, manufacturers. lines, or shapes. Others are only interested in a certain colors. There are a few who are only interested in a specific item, for example, coffee cups, creamers, butter pats, etc, etc.
Finally there is a use for dinnerware that is often overlooked by sellers and buyers alike. This is display for purely decorative purposes. I am very interested in targeting this market both for homes and commercially (restaurants, offices, etc,etc). There is no question about it china, porcelain, pottery, glass or even metal dinnerware pieces are often works of art. Using them to create a certain ambiance in a room can be a very inexpensive way of decorating.
When I look for items to put in my Atomic Mall store, I keep all of these uses in mind and I weigh them all in setting my prices. Perhaps some of you will take another look at them when you are looking to buy.
thanks for listening...
Updated for content 06/09.
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