For sometime now I have been writing feverishly and often in this blog. Hopefully putting out information that is interesting, informative and even entertaining. All of this is aimed at supporting my efforts with online sales. I have placed a link to this blog in almost every e mail I have sent in the last two months. Since most of these e mails have been to people who would almost certainly be interested in most of my rambling rantings, I have been more than a little puzzled by the almost total lack of comments. In order to try and solve this rather perplexing problem, I did the last thing that most of us men want to do. I ask a few people why they didn't seem to be reading this great blog and perhaps making constructive or even destructive comments. The consensus was overwhelming. Very few had any idea how to post their comments. I tried myself and it was very confusing to me also.
First of all not many people really want to sign up for blogger. At least not until they have some idea of what it is all about. The answer to that would be to make anonymous comments, but the radio button says clearly that they must log in and publish. Most folks, not being as bull headed as I am quit at this step and either let it go or in a few cases e mailed me with their thoughts.
The reality is that if you choose to comment anonymously, when you click on the dreaded log in and publish button It simply sends your comment directly to me by e mail and I publish it. Please don't be afraid of the log-in button. If you have checked the anonymous block on your comment page there is no log-in. Your comment comes straight to me for censorship (another dreaded word).
I have opted to check all comments before they are published in order to keep out spam advertisers who are endlessly assaulting everything and everyone on the Internet with their childish, stupid and often dangerous messages. I will not censor any comment that is pertinent to the article even if it is critical of what I said.
Hopefully this will encourage some of you to comment, if for no other reason than to let me know that someone is reading my rantings.
thanks for listening....
Updated for content o6/09.
I wonder if folks don't leave comments cause they are just too tired of trying to make a living on the onlin auctions. I am. I sold on ebay for 7 years with happy buyers and now it seems the game is to harass the seller so I have "retired" for now anyhow. Yahoo I find it freezes me is slow is nasty with their new form of sellers auctions...8 inches of info before the bid amount is listed? By then I forgot what the item was, called old age. Well your auction items are super but why not sell on ebay where the bids wouldno doubt come and maybe be higher? Well good luck with all.
Thanks for the input. Interestingly enough Yahoo just added a feature which at least reduces the 8 inches of info before the bid amount. If you hover your mouse over any auction link it will bring up a popup window which only contains the important things. Then you can decide if you want to open the auction to read the detailed description. You won't lose money on Yahoo, you will have to wait for bids, but they won't cost you anything but time. I have plenty of that, but I do realize that many people don't.
Once again I really appreciate the input. Feel free to comment at any time or e mail me direct. the old guy
Bill, I check on your page occasionally. Please keep it up! You mirror many of my own thoughts about on line auctions.
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