My Favorite Quotes

  1. "Whatever you do, do it well."

  2. "Of all the things I ever lost, I miss my mind the most."

  3. "The box says: 'Shut up Steve'."

About Me

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Married with six children and 11 grandchildren. retired from USN in 1988 with 30 years of active service.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Swap Meet Wednesday

I guess I never mentioned this before, but one of my favorite haunts is a local swap meet that is open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. It is usually about the only exercise that I get each week and I try hard to make it every week. I used to sell there about 20 years ago and I know many of the sellers, so it is as much a social outing for me as it is a business activity.
I do find many treasures there and I hope it continues in business as long as I do. I don't just buy things there to resell I also buy pottery that I want to research and learn from. I am in a business where knowledge is money and I try to learn something every day.
Today I spent a few bucks. I won't tell you how many as that is a trade secret. I only made three purchases but they were all good buys. Some nice Furstenburg coasters, a wonderful Furnival Platter (I had never heard of them, but it turns out to be Staffordshire of some age), and a beautiful vintage Lefton 50th Wedding Anniversary pitcher in excellent condition.
thanks for listening, the old guy

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