Historical Data -- Fine China of Japan has issued many beautiful patterns over the years. I don't know much about the company, but they appear to have worked under contract for many large U.S. retailers (Sears, Wards, etc.etc.). The mark may have been used by a distribution agency in Japan representing them.
This Lot consisted of:
3 Dinner Plates (replacement value 11/09 $9.99 @
6 Coupe Soup Bowls (replacement value 11/09 $9.99 @
7 Bread Plates (replacement value 11/09 $4.99 @

Historical Data -- Gladding, McBean and Company started in 1875. The company grew and acquired other potteries. They made sewer pipes, floor tiles, dinnerwares, and art pottery with a variety of trademarks. In 1934, dinnerware and art pottery were sold under the name Franciscan Ware. The company became Interpace Corporation and in 1979 was purchased by Josiah Wedgwood & Sons. The plant was closed in 1984 and all production was moved to England.
Sculptures Line -- When Sculptures was introduced in 1977 it offered consumers the freedom of choosing to set their tables with pieces that were all in the same pattern or giving each place setting a different but complimentary design. Discontinued in 1983.
More Franciscan Sculpture at Quality Junk in the Atomic Mall
All Franciscan Sculpture Postings in this Blog

Vintage Advertising -- 1968 Metlox Brochure - "Early American with the exciting red coloring that lends style and life to Provincial Ware. The smokey effect on the edges and handles suggest age and enhance the antique feeling."
Historical Data -- The beginning of Metlox Manufacturing Company dates back to 1927 in Manhattan Beach, Ca when Willis and T. C. Prouty became interested in producing the ceramic portion of neon signs.Metlox Manufacturing Company was incorporated in the state of California in 1933. Metlox Manufacturing Company's incorporation was terminated on January 4, 1988.
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2 cup & Saucer Sets 4 Salad Plates 1 Serving Bowl
Historical Data -- Stetson was founded by Louis Stetson in Lincoln Illinois as a decorating company using blanks purchased from other companies (primarily the Mt Clemens Pottery). In 1946 they purchased the Illinois China Company in order to make their own ware. Stetson China used decal transfers for its entire lifetown except for a three year period, 1954 - 1956, when it used hand painting exclusively. They went out of business in 1965. Nearly all of their ware was sold to jobbers in Chicago to be used as gas station and grocery store premiums.
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Historical Data -- Carrollton China, East Liverpool, Ohio - established 1903 -was one of the eight major American china production firms to merge in 1929 under the American Chinaware Corporation, along with Knowles Taylor Knowles, Pope Gosser and the Harker Pottery Company due to the rapid decline in the industry during the Depression. The merger was short lived and closed it's doors in 1932.

Description -- Made in Japan. All white body with attached underplate. Brown country scene in center, multicolored highlights. overall dimensions 5 3/8" high with lid x 3" foot ring x 5 3/8" high. Excellent used condition with a single small ding in the inner rim of the pot. There is light age crazing close up. Beautiful bright colors with no fading. Nasco Mountain Woodland mark on bottom. Current (05/09) replacement value $36.99. Very difficult to find in this great condition with the top and ladle.
Historical Data -- Nasco was a major importer of household and gift items from around the world but their main source was post-war Japanese manufacturers.
More Nasco at Quality Junk in the Atomic Mall
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Historical Data -- Johnson Brothers China was established in Stoke-on-Trent (Staffordshire Area) England. The company remains an international leader in the tableware industry.
More Johnson Brothers at Quality Junk in the Atomic Mall
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Historical Data -- Lenox is the name of a porcelain maker. Walter Scott Lenox and Jonathan Coxon, Sr., founded the Ceramic Art Company in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1889. In 1906, Lenox left and started his own company called Lenox. The company makes a porcelain that is similar to Irish Belleek. Their superior dinnerware has made the company famous. Lenox was bought by Department 56 in 2005.
More Lenox at Quality Junk in the Atomic Mall
All Lenox postings in this blog
Details as time allows. Thanks for listening .... ☺☺☺☺
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