Description -- All white body with blue trim, five 10 1/2" diameter dinner plates and five 6 1/4" bread plates. Estimated replacement value (11/09) dinner plates $24.99 each, bread plates $9.99 each. This is a Lenox special order series. This sale included the following plates:
4 Dinner Plates - Black Prince, Sweepstakes, Great Republic, Northern Lights
4 Bread Plates - Great Republic, Black Prince, Galatea, Northern Lights.
I know there were more in the series, but I do not know how many.
Historical Data -- Lenox is the name of a porcelain maker. Walter Scott Lenox and Jonathan Coxon, Sr., founded the Ceramic Art Company in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1889. In 1906, Lenox left and started his own company called Lenox. The company makes a porcelain that is similar to Irish Belleek. Their superior dinnerware has made the company famous. Lenox was bought by Department 56 in 2005. Since that time much if not all Lenox production has shifted off shore (mostly to China) but is clearly marked as such.
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Historical Data -- The Noritake Company was established in the village of Noritake near Nagoya Japan by Baron Morimura in January 1904. Today it is one of the premier makers of fine China in the world.
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Historical Data -- Gladding, McBean and Company started in 1875. The company grew and acquired other potteries. They made sewer pipes, floor tiles, dinnerwares, and art pottery with a variety of trademarks. In 1934, dinnerware and art pottery were sold under the name Franciscan Ware. The company became Interpace Corporation and in 1979 was purchased by Josiah Wedgwood & Sons. The plant was closed in 1984 and all production was moved to England.
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Historical Data -- Royal China operated in Ohio from 1934 to 1986. It was purchased by the Jeanette Glass Corp in 1969 but continued to operate under the Royal name. Operations ceased in 1986.
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Historical Data -- In the 1930's, Mikasa was established as an international trading company based in Secaucus, New Jersey. Named in honor of Prince Mikasa, the youngest brother of Emperor Hirohito, Mikasa soon became one of the most recognized Japanese brand names in the West. The company itself never attempted to "manufacture" any of its dinnerware. Rather, the Mikasa branded items were imported from Japan, Ireland, England, France, and Germany. By the 1950's customer requests were pouring in from all parts of the country, and department stores could not shelve enough stock to meet demand. By the early 1960's, Mikasa had established a reputation as "the pioneer of American casual." The 1970's brought new retail store locations. Showrooms and warehouses appeared in Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In an effort to stay as competitive as possible during the 1980's, Mikasa added crystal stemware, stainless steel flatware and other household accessories to its product offerings. Today, Mikasa continues to leverage the momentum it has built over the decades since its start.
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Historical Data -- Hall China Company started in East Liverpool, Ohio, in 1903. The firm made many types of wares. Collectors search for the Hall teapots made from the 1920s to the 1950s. The dinnerwares of the same period, especially Autumn Leaf pattern, are also popular. The Hall China Company is still working. (Kovels).
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