This has been one of those days for me that you take one step forward and two back. I decided to list some Brock Pottery pieces that have some minor defects (Sorry, I realize that is a subjective definition.). At any rate I ran into problems right from the start. I usually clone existing listings if I have any and add changes to the pictures and words as needed. Unfortunately I found that many of my existing Brock listings had errors in them that I
absolutely had to correct before moving on to anything new. I did finally manage to list two new items. A Harvest (brown) creamer and a gravy boat in the same pattern. By the time I finished these I was cross-eyed and ready to do something else for a while. I'll get back to the Brock tomorrow. Here's the link to what there is already.
Brock of California at Quality Junk in the Atomic MallI also managed to get the
Sango Sabrina Bowls I acquired last week listed:
Sango Sabrina at Quality Junk in the Atomic MallOne last item to report. I did sell a Franciscan Creole Dinner Plate.

Description -- California Pottery, Picnic Line. Earthenware. 10 3/4" diameter. Deep honey and dark brown with embossed trim. Excellent used condition with minor utensil scratches. Issued in 1973. Estimated replacement price $17.99.
Historical Data --
McBean and Company started in 1875. The company grew and acquired other potteries. They made sewer pipes, floor tiles,
dinnerwares, and art pottery with a variety of trademarks. In 1934, dinnerware and art pottery were sold under the name Franciscan Ware. The company became
Interpace Corporation and in 1979 was purchased by Josiah Wedgwood & Sons. The plant was closed in 1984 and all production was moved to England.
Picnic Line-- The Picnic Line was designed to reflect the 1970's. Bold colored
florals, dark brooding exotica and happy sunny irreverence are Picnic themes.
Thanks for listening.....