After taking my afternoon "old guy" nap, I discovered that I had made a sale. Thus proving the old theory that some people make more money sleeping than while they are awake. ☺☺☺

A gentleman in Nevada ordered some Rose China Plates to replace some damaged plates that originally were given to him by his mother. Replacements designates this as RO29. These plates actually have a somewhat fascinating history. Immediately after the second WW, in 1946, the word Noritake was temporary dropped from the marks and the RC mark (originally used as "Royal Crockery" on ware being exported by Noritake from Japan to India and Singapore in the 1920's) was reappearing as "Rose China" together with a picture of a rose and the words Made in Japan. Since the quality immediately after the war was not up to the pre-war standard, Noritake preferred to save the valuable Noritake brand name until later. The occupied Japan mark was used from 1945 through 1952. Many patterns were continued after the Occupation and were marked Noritake.
Post WWII Rose china was actually of a poorer quality than the usual standards expected of Noritake and because of this much of this china has fallen by the wayside because of breakage and hard use. These plates were an exception, they have no physical damage, but the original gold trim has been noticeably worn no doubt from years of loving use.
It is my pleasure to help this gentleman find a good home for these plates and I thank him for that.
All Noritake articles in this blog.
Thanks for listening.... ☺☺☺☺
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