Castleton China was established in New Castle, Pennsylvania in the late 1930's. Rosenthal of Germany, correctly predicting that the impending war would impede their production and marketing, contracted with Shenango to use Rosenthal formulas and patterns and market them in the U.S. under the Castleton Name. In 1951 Shenango purchased all of the Rosenthal U.S. holdings and continued producing Castleton until the early 1970's. Production ceased because it was too expensive to make china of that quality here.
The Severn platter shown here was issued in 1958. This pattern was popular and so continued to be marketed until 1972, just prior to the company closing. Castleton is very popular with collectors and replacement prices reflect the demand caused by this popularity and the high original costs of this high quality ware.
For more details regarding this platter please see my listing on Atomic Mall:
Other companies also relocated parts of their operations to the U.S. from Europe in an attempt to minimize the effects of World War II. One that comes to mind is Haviland.
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