Has it really been a year since we closed our last Brick and Mortar storefront. I guess it's really true. December 24 was actually our last day of business at the store. I'd be lying to you if I said that I didn't miss it, but the truth is that it was no longer economically feasible to keep going. I miss the neighborhood and the customers. I don't miss the constant and usually futile struggle to pay the bills. I have spent this entire year just trying to get life back on an even keel. Thanks to the support of my family and friends both on and off line it has been a tough but good year. I certainly want to thank all of you who have helped by purchasing my "Quality Junk" during the past year. Especially those where I made mistakes, for being understanding and allowing me to correct them. I have learned from all of you and hopefully will continue to do so. If at any time you feel I am ignoring your legitimate needs as a buyer please do not hesitate to let me know.
It is my fervent hope to continue the wonderful relationships that I have found through my participation in on line sales and to make many new ones in the coming years. As I tie up more of the loose ends from my previous business ventures, I hope to be able to bring you lots of additional "Quality Junk". I want to assure you that my objective is to create
Win-Win situations in every case. A fair profit for me and a great deal for you.
Again I thank all of you for being there this year and I welcome those who visit in the future. Feel free to comment or criticize. Here's wishing you a great Holiday Season and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Thanks for listening.
Content updated 06/09.
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