A little background info about how I acquired all these trading cards. First of all, I should tell you that I have very few Sports cards. I never had much interest in them and at the time that I was going through my "Card Phase", there were a hundred Sports card dealers for every dealer offering non-sports. (Of course they were all making more money than I was, but I wanted to stand out from the crowd.)
As I recall the "Card Phase" started right after the "Tin Sign Phase" ended. I was searching for something new to sell at our local swap meet and I became friends with several sports cards dealers who were selling there. They had wholesale access to non-sports because of the huge volumes of sports cards they were buying. One of them agreed to buy the non-sports for me , but in return I
had to agree to buy all of the non-sports that he acquired in bulk trades and buys on the secondary market. This turned out to be a win-win for both of us and I was off and running.
For about a year, I continued buying non-sports cards and on occasion selling them at the swap meet. When I "retired" from swap meeting and moved into the antique mall, I simply "folded" my cards and put most of them in storage, like so many other things that I tried to get rich on over the years.
I still have many sets and chase cards (mostly from the 1990's) that I am slowly putting on sale as I find the time. I should mention that I also have some tobacco cards which I will eventually be adding to the "Quality Junk" that I have in my Atomic Mall Store.
Like most of my merchandise, I offer these trading cards well below current retail
guesstimated prices. While I am no longer on top of pricing on these cards, I'm a fairly certain that I am offering some very good deals. Any questions feel free to email me.