Today is a rare rainy day in San Diego and a welcome one for us as we have been way behind on rainfall this year and that can cause a lot of problems here later on.
Among other things I decided that the rain was a perfect opportunity for me to do my inventory. After about a half an hour I gave up the effort as impossible. Fortunately I keep a location code in all of my listings that tells me where the items are. The problem with this is that things do get moved around and this can cause a problem when someone bids on an item that isn't where it is supposed to be. It usually results in a time consuming and tedious search until the item is found. The bottom line is that taking the inventory is a bigger time hog than searching for the occasional lost item. Thus I give up for now.
This has been a slow week for my swap meet searches. Saturday I picked up 6 small oval platters that are Buffalo Restaurant ware. I'm not sure what they are for. They are a little small for under plates (7" x 4 3/4") so for now I'm just calling them side dishes. Sunday brought me a couple of limited edition collector plates. Normally I steer clear of these, but the price was right.
thanks for listening... Bill aka the old guy
Updated for content (06/09)