Well it's a fairly quiet Saturday before Easter and I am trying to recover from the trauma of having my taxes finished. As usual Uncle got most of what I had and then some. At least it's over for another year and I can get back to trying to pay off the rest of the world.
Thanks to you good folks who keep buying my quality junk I am getting the old bills paid a little at a time.
I have finally reached 900 auction listings and I am certain I will reach my New Years goal of 1000 soon.
I am changing my format totally away from bidding and gradually changing all of my auctions back to the buy it now format. In two years I have only had three auctions with more than one bid so why waste your time and mine waiting for auctions to close. I really believe that many folks look at an item and just don't want to bid on it because there's a number of days before the auction closes. It is much simpler to just buy it now. I price my auctions at what I need to get from them and so I'm not really interested in these so called bidding wars. My philosophy is going to be this. If you must fight to spend your hard earned money, go somewhere where the sellers need your money to pay their fees. E bay is the place to be if your anxious to fight other people for the right to buy things. I always close bids for my repeat customers anyway so this really isn't much of a change.
OK enough about business. I hope all of you folks have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend. I'm going to take what's left of it and put some more "Quality Junk" on the net.
thanks for listening.... the old guy!!
Updated for content 06/09