I wrote this during a period when I knew that I had to make some dramatic changes in my life and I knew that many choices had to be made. Only God knows whether I made the right ones. I certainly don't.
I apologize to anyone who may be offended by my choice of words.
life is full of choices
advised by many voices.
should we laugh or should we cry
should we shout or should we sigh.
shall we rise or stay in bed
live by heart or by head.
eat our food sweet or tart
suffer pain or let a fart.
do we walk or will we run
making choices is no fun.
will we sleep or lust this night
bake a cake or fly a kite.
go to school or play some pool
make wrong choices play the fool.
will we dress or naked stay
make a choice straight or gay.
all day long i strive to see
what choices are alright for me.
The old guy
11 mar 2001